What Is the Purpose of an I-9 Form?
The purpose of an I-9 Form is to verify the employment eligibility of workers hired at US-based businesses. The I-9 Form validates an employee’s identity and confirms that the worker is legally eligible to work in the United States. Every employee must fill out an I-9 Form, whether or not they’re a U.S. citizen. Both the employer and the employee are required by law to fill out the form.
I-9 Violations
Employers who don’t complete and retain I-9 Forms can face severe punishments. Businesses that knowingly hiring and employ unauthorized workers can be fined as much as $16,000 per ineligible employee.
Technical violations aren’t punished immediately. The company is first notified of a violation and given ten business days to correct the error. Technical violations of the I-9 Form can include:
- Failure to include the employment start date
- Failure to date either the employee or employer section of the form
- Failure to disclose that an employee is under 18 years old
- Failure to include the date an employee was rehired in the section of the form related to rehiring practices
How to Download Form I-9 Using Deskera People?
Using Deskera People you can Download federal form I-9 for employer with the , following steps
- Go to the Report Tab>> under Federal Forms Section>> click on form I-9

2. A below screen will appear,

- Year - Select the year from drop down list
- Select Employee : Select the employee from the drop down list for whom you need to download the form
After the above details are selected, click on Download form button and a below form I-9 will be downloaded for further submission to IRS,