Once you have created a new pay schedule you have an option to view them in 2 different views, and can also edit and delete them.
How to view Pay Schedules?
1. Click on the Pay Schedules located on the left-hand side of the main dashboard, where you can view the list of created pay schedules in 2 formats.

2. By clicking on the icons on the right side of the screen, you can view the pay schedules in two formats List view or card view.

How to Edit, delete the Pay Schedule?
If you need to make any changes in any of the already existing Pay Schedules or need to delete the created pay schedules you can do the same in the system.
Edit Pay schedules
Let us see below how to Edit the Pay Schedules,

Select the Pay Schedule in which you want to make the changes. Then by clicking on the Edit icon on the top left side of the screen or by clicking on the three vertical dots, the created pay schedule window will appear in the edited version where you can make the required changes and save it to get the changes reflected.
Delete Pay schedules
If you wish to remove the pay Schedule form the system, by clicking on the Delete icon located on the left side of the screen or by clicking on the three vertical dots, you can delete the selected Schedule Pay completely from the system.
Congratulations! You have successfully learned View, Edit, delete a Pay Schedule using Deskera People.