As mentioned in the previous article, a quote is a document informing customers about the goods, the number of products, and the pricing of goods without any transaction incurred yet. Using Deskera Books, users can now generate quote reports based on the time frame as they preferred.
Firstly, to generate the quote report in Deskera Books, go to the ‘Reports’ tab on the sidebar menu. Next, click on the ‘Quotation Report’ under the Sales section.

Deskera users can choose to filter the report based on the date range. Indicate the start date and end date and click on the Search button. Aside from that, users are allowed to filter based on contact code, quote number, and the status of quotes as well. Once you have clicked on the Generate button, the quote report will be generated based on your selection.

Users can choose to export the Quotation Report to your desktop/laptop by clicking on the arrow symbol at the top right of the page. Choose to either export the report in excel or pdf format.