Semestral List of Regular Suppliers is a report of payment made by vendors on the purchase of goods.
What is SRS?
This report summarizes the list of regular suppliers of goods and services that should be submitted on a semestral basis to the Revenue District Office where the taxpayer is registered or to the Large Taxpayer Assistance Division.
The Semestral List of Regular Suppliers is a summary of WI158, WC158, WI160 and WC160 withholding taxes for the last six months which is submitted through QAP. BEU and allows you to upload those 1601E DAT Files which then BEU will summarize it.
Semestral List of Regular Suppliers submission of Goods and Services
SRS is to be submitted in compliance with RMC 14-2008 by Large Taxpayers using the prescribed format
- For the second semester (July to December period), the deadline is on or before January 31.
- For the first semester (January to June period), deadline is on or before July 31
Where can Deskera Users retrieve the Semestral List of Regular Suppliers Report
Using Deskera Books, users can now retrieve the Semestral List of Regular Suppliers Report that is mapped according to the transactions on the buy tab.

To view the details in the report, users have to click on the Report tab on the sidebar menu. Next, they will have to select the Select the Semestral List of Regular Suppliers Report under the WHT Reports category.

The Semestral List of Regular Suppliers Report will reflect the details of the following fields with the tax amount auto-populated based on the transactions in Buy Module
- Reporting Month
- Vendor TIN
- Branch Code
- Company Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Income Payment
- EWT Rate
- Tax Amount
Deskera users can file their Semestral List of Regular Suppliers Report via Philippines BIR Portal using the report generated from our system.
You can also generate the report based on the date range you prefer by using the date filter at the top right of the screen,