BIR1604E is a report about the annual return of payment made by the vendor on the purchase of goods.
What is BIR1604-E Form?
BIR Form 1604-E, or also known as Annual Information Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded)/ Income Payments Exempt from Withholding Taxes shall be filed by a withholding agent who is required to withhold taxes on income payments which are subject to Expanded Withholding Taxes.
Who can file this?
This form shall be filed by a withholding agent/payor who is either of the following:
- Individual
- Estate
- Trust
- Partnership
- Corporation
- Government-owned corporations and other related agencies
When to file?
1604E forms shall be accomplished within on or before the 1st of March after the calendar year in which the income was paid.
Also, take note that your tax forms will be sent electronically to the BIR until 9pm. Any forms that will be sent beyond that filing deadline will be transmitted within the next business day.
Where can Deskera Users retrieve the BIR1604-E Annual Return Report
Using Deskera Books, users can now retrieve the BIR1604-E Annual Return Report that is mapped according to the transactions on the buy tab.

To view the details in the report, users have to click on the Report tab on the sidebar menu. Next, they will have to select the BIR1604-E Annual Return Report under the WHT Reports category.

The BIR1604-E Annual Return Report will reflect the details of the following fields with the tax amount auto-populated based on the transactions in Buy Module
- Reporting Month
- Vendor TIN
- Branch Code
- Company Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Income Payment
- EWT Rate
- Tax Amount
Deskera users can file their BIR1604-E Annual Return Report via Philippines BIR Portal using the report generated from our system.
You can also generate the report based on the date range you prefer by using the date filter at the top right of the screen,