What is a CNAME? If you are unsure what CNAME is, we will explain to you in detail what it is all about.
CNAME, in short, stands for Canonical Name. It’s a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that maps an alias name to an actual domain name. It helps map a subdomain such as www.abc.com to another domain hosting, i.e., abc.com.
You can configure your CNAME in Deskera CRM+.
Read more below to find out more.
How can I configure CNAME in CRM+?
If you have designed your landing page using the Deskera CRM+ application, you can configure the CNAME in order for the system to direct your landing page to your preferred domain name.
Click on the "+Add your domain" button.

Enter the CNAME in the box and click on the Add button.

A pop-up message will appear, as per the screenshot below.

Read the pop-up message and click "Ok." The system will prompt you with a message stating that your domain is pending approval.
How can I configure my landing page in Deskera using my hosting provider?
Your domain host is typically the site where you purchase your domain name. For example, you can buy your domain name from Go Daddy.com, Namecheap.com, Bluehost, HostGator, etc.
Once you have entered your domain in Deskera CRM+ application, the system will generate a unique CNAME ID.
Moving on, you can set up your CNAME record in your hosting provider account.
Refer to the steps below to configure the CNAME in your hosting site.
- Please login to your hosting provider account.
- Navigate to the DNS management section
- Under the DNS section, search for the CNAME records.
- Create a new CNAME record.
- For instance, using GoDaddy, the name column will be your subdomain www.staywithyourbreath.com, and the Host in GoDaddy will be www.
- Under the value column, paste the unique CNAME value you received from the Deskera CRM+ application. In this case, the CNAME string will be jackson-trader-d9d1b6.cname.deskera.com.
- Save your changes, and you're all good.
Please note you you will have to wait up to 48 hours for the newly-created record to take place.
Also, the steps mentioned above are general guidelines for CNAME set up in your hosting site. The CNAME configuration differs for every hosting provider. You will need to reach out to your hosting provider if you need further clarification.