A quote is a document you provide to buyers interested in buying goods or services at a stated price under certain conditions.
By providing a quote to your potential buyer, it enables them to view the cost of each line item without worrying if the cost of the items exceeded their budget.
Buyers will typically ensure that the cost of the item matches their budget before confirming the purchases.
You can create a quote document with Deskera Books+.
Follow the steps below to create a new quote in Books+:

- Login to your Deskera account.
- Click on Books + on Deskera Go.
- On Deskera Books+ Dashboard, click on Quote on the sidebar menu.
- Click on the “+ Add New Quote” or “Create New >> Quote” button to create a new quote in the system.
- A pop-up will appear.
- Fill in the information in the quote pop-up menu:

- Company name: Your company name is auto-populated by the system
- Contact: Add your potential customer based on the drop-down menu. You can also create a new contact directly on this field
- Quote number: Change the quote sequence number based on your business requirement
- Quote date: Enter the quote document date
- Due date: The due date is auto-populated based on the contact’s payment term. You can change the due date directly in this field
- Ship by (expected): Enter the expected date your customer will receive the goods
- Add field: Add custom fields in the quote document. Choose from the fields that you have created in the Master Custom Fields
- Add line item: Choose the products created in the Product Module from the drop-down menu. Once you have selected a product, the description, UOM, unit price, tax rate, and the amount of each line item will be auto-populated by the system. You have the option to edit these fields, including the quantity for each line item directly on this screen. Click on the delete icon to remove each line item.
- Price inclusive of tax: Enable this checkbox if the unit price is inclusive of tax
- Memo: Enter a short description of the Quote document
- Attachment: You can attach documents to this Quote not exceeding 5MB
7. Verify the information in this Quote document and proceed to save the Quote.
8. Click on the ‘save as draft’ option if you have not confirmed the information entered in the Quote.

9. For Quotes saved as a draft, you can only view the edit button under the Actions column. You cannot view the convert/fulfillment button as the document is in draft mode.

10. If you wish to view the convert/fulfillment button, you will have to click on the 'save' button in the Quote screen instead of the save as draft button.

11. On the Quote canvas screen, you can also click on the minimize button next to the close button.

12. Click on the minimize button to help you shrink the Quote page. You can view this page saved as a taskbar at the bottom right of the Books+ application.
How can I edit or delete a Quote?

You cannot edit or delete your Quote if you have already marked the Quote as fulfilled.
In order to edit or delete the Quote, you will need to remove the fulfillment record in the Quote document.

To delete the fulfillment record, click on the three dots under the action column. Click on the fulfillment records button.
A pop-up menu will appear.

Click on the delete icon on the fulfillment records screen.
If you wish to print the Quote fulfillment record, click on the print button.

After you have deleted the fulfillment record in the Quote document, the Quote status will change to unfulfilled and open. You can then delete the Quote document via the action column.
Please note that you cannot delete the Quote document if the Quote status is partially fulfilled or fully fulfilled.
How can I apply custom fields in a Quote document?

In the Quote Summary List, you can click on the "+" icon on the table.
A pop-up menu will appear.

Fill in the custom field name, field type, default value and the modules.
Click on the Save button.

Finally, you should be able to view the new custom field on the table's header.

If you wish to delete the custom field, simply click on the custom field header and select delete column button. You can only delete custom field that is not in use.
How can I search for a Quote document?

You can use the search box to locate a specific document. Enter the Quote number and contact name in the search box.
The system will automatically populate the respective Quote document as per the contact name or document number entered in the search box.

Also, you can use the filter option to filter your document based on fulfillment status and your custom fields.
The Quote document will be auto-populated based on the conditions set on your filter configuration.
How can I export my Quote document?

In the Quote Summary List, click on the export icon to download the Quote documents in PDF, XLS, and CSV format.