When the goods or services that you ordered arrive, you need to check the quantities and prices against the original purchase order, and mark those items as having been received.
With Deskera Books all The Outstanding Purchase of Good received are recorded for only Partial and not received goods.
With the below steps you can generate an Outstanding Purchases of Good received Report, using Deskera Books.
- Go to the Buy Tab on the sidebar menu.
- Go to the document (Order/Bill) where you want to update the number of Products received.
- Click the Quick Actions button (3 grey dots) on the right-hand side of the document you wish to update and select Receive.

4. If you have received goods partially/have not yet received, these status will be reflected in the outstanding purchase of goods received reports
5. Go to the Reports section >>Outstanding Purchases Good Received Report under Purchase Reports

- You can view the details like, PO/Bill No, PO/Bill Date, Contact Name, Currency, Amount, Tax, Amount After Tax, Exchange Rate, Amount In Base Currency, PO/Bill Status
- Date Range - You can also generate the report for specific period by selecting the date range.
- Search - You can use the search engine option, where you can look for any particular transaction
Export Outstanding Purchases Good Received Report
Now you can export your Outstanding Purchases Good Received Report in XLS format by clicking on the Export Button.