The Deskera eLeave system is smart and intuitive. It helps you to manage, maintain, and track all leave-related things
With our Leave Management System, you can enjoy the convenience of viewing the leave information and submitting the leave application in all electronic devices such as laptop, desktop, and even on your mobile.
Have a look at the stunning Deskera eLeave dashboard.

There are few things you can view from the dashboard such as:
- The timestamp of the clock in and clock out of the users.
- To apply leaves, click on the "apply for leave" button.
- By clicking on the "Holiday Calendar, you can view all the upcoming holidays.

4. Users can view their leave application status under the pending approval section.
- Once your team manager approves your leaves, the leave gets removed automatically from this tab, and you will not see any pending leaves for approval.
5. Under My Monthly leaves section, users can view the leaves taken in that particular month.
6. Under the Upcoming leaves, users can view the leaves they've applied in the upcoming future.

At the end of the dashboard, users can view their pending leave application status and the approving officer's name. Besides that, they can see the yearly statistic bar chart report on the various reasons why they applied for the leave, and the number of days they are on leave.
By hovering on the bar chart, users will know the exact days they take their leaves, and the days are being categorized based on the type of leave they apply.