Whenever the users of the Deskera eLeave system apply leaves, the leaves request will receive to the admin of the system. The admin will have to take the next step to approve or reject the leave application of the users in eLeave.
Follow the steps mentioned below to approve or reject the leaves of the users:
1. Go to the 'Request' tab on the sidebar menu.

2. On the Request List Summary, under the Status column, the admin will know if the leaves are approved, pending approval, or rejected.
3. Place your cursor on the individual row; a pop up will appear. Choose tick to approve the leave and X to reject.
4. A new status gets updated on the status column.
5. Alternatively, you can choose to view the request lists in the card view layout or kanban layout.
By clicking on the right-hand side of the tab, the admin you can choose to filter based on pending requests approved requests or rejected requests. To view all requests, click on the 'All Requests' tab.
Congratulations! You have successfully approved or rejected the user's leaves in the system.