How can I Make Payment against a Bill using Deskera Mobile App?

Based on the Bills generated, you will be able to make payment to your vendors for the items that you have purchased.

On the Deskera Mobile dashboard, select the Bills icon under the Business Modules section.

Tap on Bills Module
Click on the unpaid button

You can view the status of all your Bill records, including all unpaid documents. Tap on Unpaid.

Select the unpaid bill record
Tap on make payment button

There are three main payment modes you can choose from to make payment to your vendors – Cheque, Bank Transfer, or Cash.

Indicate the payment details

Let's look at how each payment mode can be implemented in detail.

The Amount sent, Date sent, and the Currency for all payment methods are the same.

For Cheque payment, enter the Cheque reference date and reference number along with "Paid from" details and tap on Save

In the "Paid from" section, choose the account from which the payment is going to be made, ie. Bank and the account number.

The bill mark as paid

Tap on Save. You will be able to view the payment status of the Bills updated to Bills fully paid along with the day it was paid.