How do I bulk import multiple Products, Contacts or Accounts at one go in Deskera Books?

For the creation of multiple products, contacts, or accounts at one go, you can use Deskera Books Import function.

This saves time compared to creating one entry at a time and is especially useful for new users who are migrating from a previous system.

Filling up the template file

Click on the tab that you would like to add new entries to:

  • Products: Products > Import >> Products(Tracked and Non-tracked)/ BOM products
  • Contacts: Contacts > Import
  • Accounts: Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Import

Download the sample file shown - this is a .xls file (opens with Microsoft Excel).

Click on the import option and choose the type, Products(Tracked/Non Tracked) or BOM
Download the sample sheet and fill up the data

2.  Fill up the file according to the fields shown.

3.  Save the file as .xlsx or .csv and drag it into the Import box. Alternatively, you may also browse for the template file to be uploaded.

Map Headers - ensure that the headers match the fields to be completed.

In Map Headers, our system will detect the headers in your import file and suggest mapping paths matching Deskera's headers. If you imported your data based on our template provided, the mapping should be completed with no issues.

However, if you are migrating your data from a different ERP system, you might encounter different column headers that do not follow the pre-existing headers in the Desk application.

You can select an appropriate header used in your import file to match to its Desk equivalent via a dropdown list.

Map the imported file headers with deskera headers
  1. Check through the headers shown and ensure that they are mapped correctly to the appropriate fields.
  2. You can choose to remove file headers that you do not intend to import to the system.
  3. Click on the create custom field button if you wish to import additional fields to the system.
  4. Click 'NEXT' once you have confirmed the mapping for each header.
Enable show invalid records to check if there are any errors and the errors get highlighted in pink colour and rectify the errors and click on confirm and proceed.

5. Once the products are imported go to settings>>>Import logs and check whether imported file is successfully imported or rejected, if its rejected then go to actions download rejected file and in the rejected file errors will be mentioned rectify and import again.

Similarly you can import contacts by heading to contacts module, download the sample file, fill all the details and import the file.

For Imporating accounts, head to Accounting tab>>>> Chart of Accounts>>>Import option, download sample file fill the details and import.

If successful, your newly imported entries should appear in its respective main page.