Did you know it’s compulsory to provide a service card to employees in Tamil Nadu? Form 25-B - Service Card must be provided to all employees in the prescribed format by all employers.
The Factories Act was passed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of factory workers. The State of Tamil Nadu has issued regulations for its factories in accordance with the Act; these regulations date back to 1950 and are known as The Tamil Nadu Factories Rules.
Table of contents
- Tamil Nadu Factories Rules
- Labor legislation in India
- Service Cards at workplace
- Exactly what do photo IDs consist of?
- Is it the Best Fit for Your Business to Issue Photo IDs?
- The purpose of time and attendance records
- Should Your Business Use Time and Attendance Systems?
- How do ID cards with restricted access work?
- Do You Need Access Cards for My Business?
- What Exactly Are Smart and Multipurpose Cards?
- The safety of one's employment
- Requirement for Service cards
- What steps will you take to implement employee Service cards in your company?
- Is It a Good Idea for Your Business to Use Visitor ID Cards?
- Brief Explanation of Plastic Business Cards
- Do You Need Business Cards for Your Company?
- Employee appreciation has many advantages
- Key Takeaways
Tamil Nadu Factories Rules
The Tamil Nadu factories rules from 1950 have been updated with new provisions according to a notification issued by the state government under the SRO A-9/2021.
Every factory's manager must keep a muster roll in Form No. 25 service card of all the workers working there, with entries to be made at the beginning of each period of work, under the revised provisions of rule 103 on the maintenance of muster roll and registers.
Such muster roll shall be retained for a period of three years following the final entry, and the Manager shall make it easily available for inspection by the inspector at all times during working hours or when any work is being carried out in the plant.
For all intents and purposes, Form No. 12 (Register of Adult Workers and Young Persons) and Form No. 15 (Register of Leave with Wages) and Form No. 25 (Muster Roll and Register of Compensatory Holidays) will suffice.
Occupational safety and health at Indian factories and docks was addressed by the Factories Act, 1948 (Act No. 63 of 1948), as amended by the Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987 (Act No. 20 of 1987). Different issues related to workers' health, safety, productivity, and happiness in the workplace are addressed.
The Indian Ministry of Labor and Employment's Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) and individual state governments' factory inspection departments are responsible for carrying out the Act's provisions.
With regards to the implementation of the Factories Act and the coordination of State-level factory inspection services, DGFASLI provides guidance to both the Central and State Governments.
Any manufacturing establishment in which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on, or whereon twenty or more workers are working, or were working on any day in the preceding twelve months, is subject to the Act. If the establishment does not use power, but still employs ten or more workers, then the Act applies to the establishment as a whole.
Labor legislation in India
Because labour is a subject on the concurrent list in the Indian Constitution, it has historically been a priority for both the federal and state levels of government to provide strong protections for its citizens who work in the private sector.
Workweeks are capped at 40 hours per week and enterprises are required to pay the federally mandated minimum wage thanks to the Minimum Wages Act of 1948. (9 hours a day including an hour of break). Since the overtime payment is double the regular rate, working overtime is strongly discouraged.
It is required by law that salaries be transferred electronically or mailed out on the last business day of each month in accordance with the Payment of Wages Act of 1936.
15 days of paid vacation per year are required by both the Factories Act of 1948 and the Shops and Establishment Act of 1960. In accordance with the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act of 2017, all companies must provide their female employees with a minimum of six months of paid maternity leave.
In addition, it offers a compensated leave of absence of six weeks in the event of a miscarriage or a medical termination of pregnancy. To ensure that workers have access to retirement, medical, and unemployment benefits, two statutory acts established the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation and the Employees' State Insurance.
If you make less than Rs 21000 per month and qualify for Employees' State Insurance, you are also eligible for 90 days of paid medical leave. A worker's contract can always include protections in addition to those guaranteed by law. In the 2019 and 2020 sessions, the Indian parliament approved four labour laws. The 44 separate labour laws will be merged into these four codes.
Service Cards at workplace
Setting up an employee service card programme now has more flexibility than ever thanks to advances in service card technology. Service card production can range from simple service cards for employees to advanced multi-function badges for access control to buildings and networks, all dependent on your business' specific requirements.
Having the ability to generate visitor badges is another perk of a professional service card system that may help keep your premises safe for guests.
Exactly what do photo IDs consist of?
Service card with photographs and other identifying information, such as names, addresses, and occupations, are used to verify identities and grant access to restricted areas.
Service card is widely used for simple identifying purposes. PVC is commonly used for service card, and an overlap is added for security and longevity purposes.
However, service card have a wide range of applications and are required in many professional and high-security contexts where proper identification is crucial. These days, identification cards can be as simple as a service card or as complex as a multi-use smart card.
To add more functionality to cards, more complicated cards can incorporate a variety of technologies like barcodes, magnetic stripes, and service card encoding.
Integration with building and network access control systems, cashless payment, and time and attendance tracking are all made possible by including these features in the card's design. Proximity cards, often known as contactless smart cards, have Radio Frequency (RF) technology that allows them to be read when their owner approaches a card reader from a distance.
A dedicated ID card printer capable of printing on thick PVC plastic cards is required for card production. ID card printers can either apply resin directly to the card's surface, embedding colour via a technique called dye sublimation, or they can print images, graphics, and text on a specific film, which is then fused to the card.
Cards can be preprinted with generic details like the corporate logo, and then run through an ID card printer to have individual details added. ID cards can be encoded and security overlaps applied all in one pass, or in two separate passes, depending on the printer model and the features it provides.
Is it the Best Fit for Your Business to Issue Photo IDs?
ID cards can be tailored to meet the aesthetic and functional requirements of any institution, be it a school, business, government office, retail store, library, hospital, clinic, nonprofit, museum, or emergency service.
Photo ID cards cater to practically any ID card programme due to the amount of information and data that the card can hold. In other words, photo identification cards can be adapted to your organization’s unique security or identification needs using a wide range of card technologies.
The purpose of time and attendance records
Today’s ID card programmes are capable of tremendous functionality, including the ability to manage time and attendance. Keeping tabs on employees, visitors, and even students is a breeze when your ID card programme is linked to a time and attendance system.
When these initiatives are administered digitally, a great deal of time is saved by eliminating the need for manual record-keeping. A database can be used to organise and centrally store all of your files. Please note that you’ll need supplementary time & attendance software in order to take advantage of this particular functionality.
Making sure that employees and contractors are properly logged in and out with the help of time and attendance cards is essential for smooth operations and the avoidance of mistakes.
They can also be used to maintain track of employees' lunch breaks; the employee just punches out before leaving for lunch and then clocks back in with the card when they return to work.
Time and attendance ID card programmes ultimately guarantee that all workers and independent contractors are compensated for the time they spend on the job. It's a time- and money-saving strategy that any company, no matter how big or small, should think about adopting.
Time and attendance ID card systems vary in complexity and security, but they all make use of dedicated readers that record data when a card is swiped through or waved in front of them.
The data is gathered and entered into the time and attendance system mechanically. The system can record an employee’s weekly labour hours based on when their card is swiped each day, for instance
Should Your Business Use Time and Attendance Systems?
Electronic visitor management systems, schools, and workplaces all benefit from installing time and attendance systems.
A multitude of ID card technologies can be used to manage time and attendance, making them the appropriate match for a wide diversity of work locations and industries – from manufacturing plants and hospitals to schools and small offices.
You can employ barcodes, magnetic stripes, smart chips, or proximity technology for your cards, depending on the type of programme you're running and the features you need on each card.
How do ID cards with restricted access work?
Among the many uses for multi-function ID cards, access control is frequently mentioned. Card-based access control systems have proven increasingly successful for a wide range of end users, including the security of business buildings, government institutions, and even college dormitories, thanks to advancements in ID card technology.
Because of the security risks associated with allowing unauthorised individuals easy access to sensitive areas, access control systems are increasingly being implemented. Access control cards function in conjunction with card readers that are positioned by entrances to buildings or high-security zones within a facility.
Access is granted after the card is swiped or waved in front of a reader, which processes and verifies the data contained inside. As opposed to keys, access control cards may be easily disabled if they are lost or fall into the wrong hands, making this method more secure. In contrast to regular keys, the cards are extremely difficult to copy.
Do You Need Access Cards for My Business?
Almost any business or group that requires restricted access can find a suitable card technology solution among the many available.
When you swipe a magnetic stripe card through a reader, it decodes the information stored on the card's magnetic stripe. Proximity cards and contactless smart cards based on RFID technology offer increased security. Simply waving or tapping one of these high-tech cards in front of a reader will allow access to the encrypted data stored on it.
Adding a smart chip to the ID card is another widespread technique, especially at large organisations. Smart cards like these can be used to restrict access to not only buildings, but also internal networks and computer systems.
What Exactly Are Smart and Multipurpose Cards?
It's common for businesses and groups with ID card systems to discover creative uses for the cards. One example of this is the use of an employee ID card as a cashless payment card at the company or school cafeteria, in addition to its other functions (such as electronic door key). Business efficiency and safety are both improved when ID badges are put to many uses.
The safety of one's employment
Procedures for termination in the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 are among the most contentious aspects of India's labour legislation.
If an employee has been on the job for more than a year, he or she cannot be fired without first obtaining approval from the relevant government agency. In addition, proper notice must be provided at least two months in advance of a legal termination, and the government must provide approval.
It takes either serious wrongdoing or chronic absenteeism to justify firing a permanent employee. Companies with more than 100 employees are required to obtain government authorisation before firing workers or closing down under the Industrial Disputes Act (1947).
In actuality, approvals to terminate employment are uncommon. Even if a plant closure is essential for financial reasons, under Indian law, a corporation must first obtain permission to lay off employees. Even though the business is losing money, the government can decide whether or not to allow it to shut down.
Even if the government approves the termination, the employee who was terminated can still file an appeal. In accordance with the Industrial Disputes Act, the Indian government has established multiple levels of appeal and adjudicating authorities for labour disputes, including conciliation officers, conciliation boards, courts of inquiry, labour courts, industrial tribunals, and the national industrial tribunal.
These processes are intricate in nature. If a case goes beyond the scope of these labour appeal and adjudicating procedures, it can be taken to the individual State High Court and afterwards the Supreme Court of India.
Manufacturing industries included in the First Schedule of the Industries (Control and Development) Act 1951 are subject to federal regulation in addition to state legislation.
Over 600 goods that can only be produced by small-scale organisations were set aside, limiting the size of companies that could produce them and, more importantly, the number of workers each company could employ. The list covered the whole of early 1950s technology and industry, from ceramics and scientific instruments to specific types of iron and steel and fuel derivatives and motors.
Requirement for Service cards
The primary advantage of service cards is the obvious increase in security they provide for your business.
Service card is a quick way to identify anyone working in the premises. Service card can also be used to limit who has access to which machines.
Not only will this safeguard your employees, but it will also shield any proprietary data your business might keep on-site. Shredding sensitive company documents before disposal is also strongly suggested.
Superior safety measures are a luxury, a company can't function without it. Employee IDs are an easy addition that could end up saving you and your business a lot of trouble.
Believe-In Among Workers
Going to an office where everyone recognises your name, even if they're just reading it off your service card, is a pleasant change of pace.
Employee identification badges help staff feel valued and appreciated. Having your name and promotion out there for all your coworkers to see can be an empowering feeling.
If you give your workers a boost in self-esteem, they will have a more positive outlook on their jobs and the company as a whole. This might even serve as a motivator for them to put in extra effort.
When workers are content, they are more likely to go the extra mile. They are prepared to go above and beyond what is expected of them in order to successfully complete all tasks.
Organizational Spirit
Most likely, your staff would not welcome a uniform dress policy that was instituted in an effort to foster a sense of team spirit. Rather than requiring employees to don uniforms, a simple service card serves the purpose.
Employee morale will rise when they see each other in company-branded apparel. Even something as simple as an ID badge will do the trick.
Moreover, when everyone in the office feels like they belong, they are much more likely to cooperate effectively.
Communication with Clients
Customers will have more faith in your business if they can put a face to a name and a title. To avoid this issue, ensure that all employees wear identification badges at all times.
A customer's ability to quickly determine whether or not the person they're speaking with has the authority to assist them with their needs is greatly enhanced when that person presents an ID.
Because of this, lasting relationships can be forged between your customers and staff in a short amount of time.
Clients will be more receptive to a new or substitute worker if they see an ID, and this will increase productivity. This is due to the fact that the employee ID card will serve as a point of recognition.
Responsibility of Workers
Having employees carry IDs allows you to monitor their whereabouts and restrict their access to certain areas.
They can also be used to monitor how long employees spend on the job. Badges can be used to keep tabs on when workers arrived and left the office, as well as which cubicle they used.
Staff members will be deterred from laziness by the increased scrutiny and responsibility they receive. In addition, it will discourage them from coming in late or leaving early. They will work harder if they know you are keeping tabs on their activities.
Employee identification badges should be prominently displayed at all times during the workday. That means they'll be walking around all day with your company's logo on their chest.
You can promote your business's brand at low cost and minimal effort by taking advantage of this opportunity.
Promotional opportunities abound at any gathering your staff members attend. Assuming everybody wore their badges, of course.
Service card is more than just a practical business asset. They can improve the company's image as a whole. Adding a touch of professionalism to your business can be as simple as providing each employee with an ID card bearing their name, title, and company logo.
In turn, this will increase your company's appeal to potential customers. To the extent that it does, it may be the tipping point that brings a former or current customer back to your company.
What steps will you take to implement employee Service cards in your company?
You could, of course, place an expensive order with a company and wait a few weeks for the service cards to arrive. Alternatively, you could design and print your own company service cards if you prefer.
For businesses that deal directly with the public, service card can boost customer service by establishing a human connection and increasing employee accountability. In large and medium-sized businesses, where phone and email communication often precede or replace face-to-face meetings, providing each employee with a photo ID card can facilitate getting to know each other.
After explaining why they're there, visitors are given a temporary ID badge to use while they're there, or they have a permanent one made out of paper or plastic that bears their name and possibly a photo or signature. Since these service card can be erased and re-written hundreds of times without requiring any ink or toner, they are a cost-effective option. Visitors can also use clip-on or adhesive badges that change colour when their allotted time has passed which are not like service card.
A log of everyone who enters and leaves your building can be maintained with visitor management software. A proactive step any business can take to boost security is to scan vital documents like a driver's licence and upload them to a central database.
Is It a Good Idea for Your Business to Use Visitor ID Cards?
To ensure the safety of companies and prevent acts of violence, a visitor management system should be installed. Any adult who enters a building should be registered and issued a temporary visitor pass.
If you work in an office and are concerned about safety, a visitor management system is a good idea. When it comes to the security of sensitive areas and the wellbeing of the building's inhabitants, a visitor management system can prove invaluable, service card.
There is no need for the cardholder to carry around a large sum of cash or a chequebook when using a payment card. Businesses, hospitals, and schools that have cafeterias, vending machines, and snack bars frequently accept credit cards as payment, service card. You can load money onto it as you need it, so you don't have to carry around cash or a credit card all the time, service card.
Making plastic payment cards calls for a special kind of high-security ID card printer. The ID card printer must support magnetic stripe encoding, smart card encoding, or both technologies in order to be used with any given card programme, service card.
Due to their reliability when printing on cards with embedded electronics, high-definition ID card printers are ideal for producing the current crop of financial cards. If you're ready to implement a cashless payment card programme, you'll need to make sure your company has the funds to buy the equipment necessary to run the system, service card.
Organizations can benefit from cashless payment cards in a number of ways, including increased safety and convenience for staff members making purchases, service card.
One of the many benefits of a payment card ID card programme is the convenience of contactless smart payment cards, which allow the cardholder to make purchases by simply tapping the card against a specialised card reader, service card. As the use of smart payment cards continues to grow, more and more stores, restaurants, and institutions of learning will install these readers.
Specialized software is needed for cashless payment cards, and they must be integrated with existing point-of-sale (POS) systems. When a cashless payments system has been implemented, compatible cards can usually be printed and encoded on a regular service card printer.
Brief Explanation of Plastic Business Cards
Cardboard paper or other thin and easily damaged materials are commonly used to create business cards. Our specialty business cards are made from the same high-quality PVC material as credit cards, making them much more durable than the classic business card.
Business cards made of plastic are typically printed on PVC cards with a thickness of 10 mils, which is significantly less than the 30 mils typically used for plastic cards.
Do You Need Business Cards for Your Company?
Organizations that have already invested in an ID card printer for the purpose of creating employee IDs can get even more use out of it by printing PVC business cards in-house, service card.
Having a trustworthy image and presentation is more important than ever in today's market. A business card that is both well-designed and sturdy will leave a much longer-lasting impression than one that is made of paper and easy to discard after one use, service card.
These cards are made of sturdy PVC plastic, so they can be kept in a wallet, stuck to a fridge or office wall, or tucked away in a card holder like a Rolodex. These high-quality business cards are affordable, making them a great option for executives. In addition, if any unanticipated meetings or networking opportunities come up, business cards can be printed immediately with an service card machine.
Almost any company worth its salt will always have a stockpile of business cards on hand, in case a customer or prospect needs a reminder of who they spoke with or how to get in touch with them after a sale has been made. It has been emphasised that business cards help customers remember your brand and product, service card.
Recognizing employees for outstanding work
It is an important part of any successful business. Employee recognition programmes are designed to encourage and reward the kinds of actions that lead to higher productivity and greater success for the company as a whole, service card.
How come it's so crucial to appreciate workers?
Employees are highly motivated when they are thought highly of by their colleagues. One of the best ways to gain such esteem is to be recognised for one's abilities with service card.
It is not necessary to spend a lot of money or throw a fancy award ceremony to show appreciation to your staff. Incentives for employees can be as simple as a handshake or a sincere compliment. A simple "thank you" email or a smile and hello in the workplace can go a long way.
Employee appreciation has many advantages
Boost morale in the workplace
Workplace happiness has been shown to increase output. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to go above and beyond for the company.
Not only does showing appreciation boost morale and encourage teamwork, it can also increase output and strengthen customer loyalty, service card. Furthermore, the workplace should be a place where people are encouraged to give and receive positive reinforcement and constructive criticism.
Keep more of your current staff
The hiring process is just the beginning of the employee life cycle. The next step is to invest in their education and growth, keep them engaged and inspired, and ultimately retain them. Just how does one safeguard a company's most precious resource? Incentive programmes are the key.
The capacity of an organisation to keep its current workforce in place is referred to as employee retention. One strategy for keeping your staff around is to show them how much you appreciate them by giving them rewards and recognition. Monetary incentives like pay increases, bonuses, and stock options are one possibility.
Employee recognition gifts, such as gift cards to the recipient's favourite store or a small token of appreciation for every five years of service, are also greatly appreciated. Incentive programmes are an excellent way to show employees how much you value them, encourage them to continue working hard, and keep them at your company.
Foster an environment where constant growth is a way of life
Recognizing employees at work has many positive effects, one of which is laying the groundwork for an environment that encourages employees to constantly better themselves. Employees appreciate it when they are given chances to grow professionally. The next step is to incentivize learning by rewarding people for their efforts to better themselves.
Raise morale
How well the leaders of your company manage their employees is also a major contributor to the morale of those working under them. Motivating your company's most valuable asset can be as simple as letting them know their efforts are appreciated.
An easy but often overlooked form of appreciation is a morning and evening greeting. Subtle expressions of gratitude and regard can come in the form of a sincere "thank you" and a "I'm sorry" for any misunderstanding. To some, these actions may seem meaningless. Yet, these are among the most efficient methods of showing appreciation to staff, service card.
You might be surprised to learn how much these seemingly inconsequential acts of recognition for employees can boost morale and output when embedded into the fabric of an organization's culture. In order to motivate and inspire workers, it is essential to recognise their efforts.
Recognition programmes are commonplace in many businesses. Even in such organisations, however, it is not uncommon to hear employees gripe about a lack of recognition for their efforts. Simply put, it's not always the actions themselves that matter, but rather how you carry them out.
This is also true for recognising employees at work. Recognizing employees is important, but doing so in a way that shows you care about them on a personal level is even more so, service card.
Some suggestions to get you started on rewarding your staff for their efforts are as follows:
Celebration days dedicated to showing gratitude to one's staff
Praise your top performers in front of their coworkers to give them an emotional boost and increase their productivity. Your employees will work harder because they will want to be acknowledged by you, the appreciative employer that you are. Top performers on your team can be recognised by being named Employee(s) of the Month/Quarter/Year.
It's important to mark the milestones in our lives, such as birthdays, work anniversaries, family additions, and so on. Include a note of appreciation in each employee's paycheck. For a job well done, please send an email of appreciation. To properly appreciate your staff, remember that employee recognition initiatives need not be elaborate or costly. A simple act of kindness can have a profound effect.
The Recognition Wall is yet another novel approach to rewarding and recognising staff. Put up a bulletin board and encourage everyone to write notes of praise for deserving colleagues to stick to it, service card.
Good performers can take heart from this and strive for even greater success in the future. Those who don't see their names on the wall will be encouraged to keep improving their performance until they do.
To manage your costs and expenses you can use many available online accounting software.
How Deskera Can Assist You?
Deskera People has the tools to help you manage your payroll, leaves, employee onboarding process, and managing employee expenses, all in a single system. Easily generate pay slips for your employees and simplify your payroll management with Deskera People. It also digitizes and automates HR processes including hiring, expenses, payroll, leave, attendance, and more.
Key Takeaways
- The Tamil Nadu factories rules from 1950 have been updated with new provisions according to a notification issued by the state government under the SRO A-9/2021.
- Every factory's manager must keep a muster roll in Form No. 25 service card of all the workers working there, with entries to be made at the beginning of each period of work, under the revised provisions of rule 103 on the maintenance of muster roll and registers.
- Such muster roll shall be retained for a period of three years following the final entry, and the Manager shall make it easily available for inspection by the inspector at all times during working hours or when any work is being carried out in the plant.
- Because labour is a subject on the concurrent list in the Indian Constitution, it has historically been a priority for both the federal and state levels of government to provide strong protections for its citizens who work in the private sector.
- The Indian Ministry of Labor and Employment's Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) and individual state governments' factory inspection departments are responsible for carrying out the Act's provisions. With regards to the implementation of the Factories Act and the coordination of State-level factory inspection services, DGFASLI provides guidance to both the Central and State Governments.
- Workweeks are capped at 40 hours per week and enterprises are required to pay the federally mandated minimum wage thanks to the Minimum Wages Act of 1948. (9 hours a day including an hour of break). Since the overtime payment is double the regular rate, working overtime is strongly discouraged.
- Setting up an employee service card programme now has more flexibility than ever thanks to advances in ID card technology. Service card production can range from simple service cards for employees to advanced multi-function badges for access control to buildings and networks, all dependent on your business' specific requirements
- It's common for businesses and groups with ID card systems to discover creative uses for the cards. One example of this is the use of an employee ID card as a cashless payment card at the company or school cafeteria, in addition to its other functions. Business efficiency and safety are both improved when ID badges are put to many uses.
- Recognizing employees at work has many positive effects, one of which is laying the groundwork for an environment that encourages employees to constantly better themselves. Employees appreciate it when they are given chances to grow professionally. The next step is to incentivize learning by rewarding people for their efforts to better themselves.
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