Deskera Blog Update - Week Ending 23rd Aug 2020
A quick digest of another great week of content for you to go through from Deskera. Get up to date in case you missed out on some of the awesome stuff we published last week.
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What Is Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)? Definition, Calculation, Examples
The cost of goods sold (COGS) is a significant part of a business Income Statement and plays an essential role in calculating the net income for a business. Understanding the cost of goods sold (COGS) helps businesses to find out about their financial health and profitability.
Liabilities: How to classify, Track and calculate liabilities?
> Liabilities are never the problem; it’s the assets you need to worry about. This statement refers to the financial position and the notion that one alwayshas to pay off debts. To offset a debt/liability, you can use assets, and yourcompany can include certain items on the asset side or write…
Audit: What is Business Audit Review Program, and What Does it Mean for Any Small Business?
Most business owners tend to panic and jump to the conclusion that an “audit” refers to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) auditing their business accountsfor tax indiscrepancies. But an IRS audit is not the only type of inspection abusiness can encounter or should be prepared for. With that in…
Assets In Accounting, Identification, Types and Learning How To Calculate Them
Index * What is an asset? * How to identify assets? * Types of assets? * How to calculate assets? * What is the debt to asset ratio? * How to calculate return on assets? * What did we learn? What is an Asset?Asset is a tangible or intangible resource of financial or economic value thatan …
What Are Estimates or Accounting Estimates?
Understanding Estimates/Accounting estimates?The accounting process often presents certain scenarios where an amount or itemin the financial statements cannot be measured with precision. Accountingestimates, therefore, are an approximation of a value that is to be debited orcredited on ite…
What is A Sales Funnel? Definition, Processes, and Importance
We cover the following topics in this article; the definition of sales funnel, the different stages of sales funnel, and the importance of having one.
What are Deals in Customer Relationship Management?
Index * Introduction to Customer Relationship Management * What are Deals or Opportunities in Customer Relationship Management? * Why are Deals Important? * Best Practices for using Deals in the Customer Relationship Management Process Introduction to Customer Relationship ManagementThrou…
Run Your Business
Proforma Invoice: What Is a Proforma Invoice?
A proforma invoice can be referred to as an initial bill of sale shared with thebuyers in advance, prior to delivery of goods or services, indicating a seller’sintent to complete the sale. Whenever the word - proforma is used, it indicatesthat the document is just for the sake of form, or conve…
What Are Quotes or Quotation In Business?
Index 1. What is a business quote? 2. Importance of quotation in business 3. Quote vs. proposal 4. How to write a business quotation to the client 5. Quotation in sales vs quotation in procurement 6. Conclusion What is a business quote?Also known as a quotation, a business quote, …
Bills VS. Invoices-What is the difference between Billing and Invoicing
Bills and Invoices are two terms that are thrown around interchangeably by manybusinesses, accountants, and customers alike. While bills and invoices mighthave more than a few things in common, there are certainly some key differencesthat set them apart, proving that they aren’t identical. …