Deskera Blog Update - Week Ending 2nd Aug 2020
If you missed out on any articles or blog posts from last week, then look no further. Here is our weekly digest from Deskera to get you up to date.
Owner’s Equity Explained.
Image:UnsplashAs the owner of a small business, you must have invested capital in yourbusiness. Over time, and several thousand transactions later, you’ve undoubtedlywondered - how much of your business is currently financed by you, and notbecause of any external liabilities, including the mon…
Cash Accounting Vs. Accrual Accounting Vs. Modified Accrual Accounting
Time and time again, we quote a particular study from Wasp Barcode Technologies,called the Small Business Report - Accounting[]. It says thatabout 60% of small business owners feel that they don’t have adequate financingand accounting kn…
Run Your Business
What Is Inventory Management | Complete Guide To Inventory & Stock
Inventory management helps you to manage and track your inventory & order fulfillment, prevent stock shortage, and do accurate stock valuation & accounting
Sales & Marketing
Best Marketing Blogs To Follow In 2020
Over the years, the marketing community has created a great number of blogs to share their ideas and experience. Read on to find out the best marketing blogs that make it to the 2020 list!
A Lazy Developer’s Guide to Reducing PDF Size
Sometimes you receive PDFs which are too large in size. It could be because thePDF contains images, or it is created by scanning physical pages. There areseveral ways to reduce the PDF size - 1. Use Adobe Acrobat’s Compress PDF […